Solar panel installation, solar panels, solar panels for home, solar system

Converting to Solar is Less Expensive than You Think.

Converting to Solar Power puts you in control. A solar system for your home typically costs less than you think. In fact, our clients find that their monthly solar payment is cheaper than what they were paying their utility provider. Excess energy will be bought back by your utility provider, benefitting everyone. You will have the ability to own your power instead of being at the mercy of renting it from your utility provider where you are subject to annual rate increases.

Solar panel installation, solar panels, solar panels for home, solar system

Solar panel installation
Stop renting electricity. Make your own clean power and get short-term and long-term financial benefits while helping protect the environment. Local, state, and federal incentives will make your system even more affordable.
solar panels
Saltbox Construction offers a selection the world’s most advanced, efficient, and sustainable solar technology, designed in the USA and backed by the industry’s best 25-year product, performance, and service warranty.
solar system
Saltbox Construction is trusted by thousands of customers for our craftsmanship and personal attention to detail.

 How Does Solar Work?

You’ve probably asked yourself this question if you are considering investing in solar panels and it makes sense that you would.  We want to make sure you understand what goes into using solar energy to power your home and how it’s going to save you money.

It All Starts With The Sun

The sun’s light photons hit the solar panels on the roof of your home, disrupting the static position of the atoms and creating an electric direct current (DC). This then runs through an inverter in order to make the energy usable for your home. The inverter converts the DC electricity to alternating current (AC), which is exactly what your home is already using. The only difference you’ll see is the savings on your monthly bill!

How Solar panels work
Solar Panel Installation

What About During the Night, After the Sun Goes Down?

During the day, your utility meter will spin backwards as it collects sunlight because you are using only the energy the solar panels create. At night, the meter will spin forward as you consume energy. The utility meter measures how much energy is produced and used every month through a system called “Net Metering.” This allows you to take full advantage of your solar system because you may be creating more energy than you’re using.

Converting to solar does not have to be expensive.

Over the past several years, solar energy has been decreasing in cost. And, homeowners can take full advantage of a 30% federal tax credit and other local incentives. The best part about it is you can convert to solar energy now with no money down through Saltbox Construction’s Home Solar’s financing options.
 Your solar panel plus your new electric bill will be lower than what you pay to the utilities company each month. Once you’ve paid off your solar system, you’re creating completely free energy. Enjoy savings and energy independence. 



To learn more about solar energy and the process of harnessing the sun, contact us today!